Thursday, September 21, 2006

curses, foiled again!

Apparently you can tell if you had a good therapy session (e.g., hit some proverbial raw nerves on the head...or something like that) when the next day you have to go back to bed because of a headache. Bah.

Amongst other things...

Civilization can perform at least a small happy dance today: the White House "blinked" first vs. Senators Warner, McCain, Graham, & Collins & former Secretary of State Powell! The administration is backing off of "clarifying" the Geneva Conventions. How horrid is it that we actually have a president of this great nation who wants to torture people. Um excuse me, but Jack Bauer on 24 is fiction... yet the Great Divider seems determined to undermine our moral authority (what's left at this point) as well as expose our own soldiers to the disaster of "clarification" should they become POWs. The shame.

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