Sunday, December 16, 2007

Latter-Day Republicans vs. the Church of Oprah - New York Times

I am tickled pink that the NYT finally quit charging for online access to their columnists; not just because I'm happier not forking out moola, but because now I can share!!

Latter-Day Republicans vs. the Church of Oprah - New York Times

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

you go, girl!

So guess what my best friend did? Not only did she run the NYC marathon on Sunday, but yesterday she was the banner headline & the front page of the sports section in our local paper ! Unfortunately the online version doesn't show the "before & after" pics, but it's an awesome article. Even if I do say so myself. ;)

Friday, November 02, 2007

Designer dogs: The huggable, trouble-full, dumpable puggle

Hey all, I realize I have been nonexistent in the blogosphere; of late I've been too busy playing Halo3! But every now & then an item comes up that I don't feel gets enough attention...this one happens to be one of my pet peeves. Are you considering buying one of those "cute" mixed breeds, such as a puggle or (heaven forbid) a labradoodle? Please read this from The Seattle Times first. Lord knows there are thousands upon thousands of perfectly wonderful dogs that lose their lives for lack of a home. Step up and help a shelter dog before looking at any "breed".

Saturday, July 28, 2007

oh puh-lease!

Let's're mad at me for not getting back to you right away about doing you a favor; e.g., driving out of my way to deliver something to you? Hmph. Considering the only time I hear from you is when you want something, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Yet, curiously, I always am. Sigh.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Fareed Zakaria rocks

Really, I should have posted this one first. So for all you non-Star Wars geeks out there, here is the more well-rounded (and still somehow optimistic) take on our current plight: Zakaria: How to Restore America's Place in the World - Newsweek: World News -

Lucas v. Bush

Misleading title, more like....well, read it for yourself: SCORP10N BOWL: George Lucas, American Orwell

Sunday, May 20, 2007

proud to be a treehugger

Not sure how I came across it, but here's a nice little proactive site: TreeHugger. After all, why should Al Gore have all the fun?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I couldn't stand him, but may he r.i.p.

Jerry Falwell died today. The summation of my opinions about the man are reflected here. I hope that he found mercy at the Pearly Gates, since he & so many like him deny that very mercy to their fellow human beings.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dying woman loses marijuana appeal

What sort of person do you have to be to pursue prosecution of a sick, dying woman for using the one and only medical drug--yes, MEDICAL DRUG--that brings her any sort of relief? I can somewhat understand the judge interpreting the federal law that way (because as wrong as it is, that's what it says).... but what about the law enforcement yahoos who are pursuing this? How many hundreds of drug dealers that supply to kids could they go after instead? How can they sleep at night?!?

Dying woman loses marijuana appeal - Yahoo! News

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

pain relief, still illegal

The White House drones are idiots. How much more of a rigorous test can there be? (Notice I don't say that the DEA are idiots...I need my license after all.)

billions and billions...

Oh how I miss this man. We may have disagreed on theology (or lack thereof), but he had such a beautiful way of looking at the universe and all its wonder. The world has been a sadder place without him.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Obama '08

I'm watching his "official" announcement right now. Sweeet! It's neat that the audience is both multi-generational & multi-cultural. I even like the campaign's symbol: both an "O" and a blue circle w/a rising sun over a flag-striped landscape. Nice.

I don't know how far he'll get, but he represents what I believe our country should stand for: justice, social responsibility, doing what's right.

Good lord, I'm getting goosebumps!

More on other candidates later. For now, I'm off to enjoy the good feeling of pride in our country & its citizens...and the good we can do.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Our Delusional Hedgehog

I have been intending to blog, really I have, but today is apparently migraine day. Oh joy. So in the meantime, here is a fine article by columnist Harold Meyerson.

If one must suffer with a migraine, Vicodin and diet Coke (e.g., caffeine) at least is a pleasant-feeling remedy. It doesn't totally make the problem go away, but at least you don't care as much. ;)

And something else I just thought of: for those of you not familiar with the beast, hedgehogs like to cover themselves with their own spit. I'm just sayin'.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

'They could try to stop me'

Not only are the inmates running the asylum, but they've thrown away the key.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I am SO there!!

I was wondering what I would be doing for my vacation this year. I wonder no longer! Wherever it tours in the U.S., I shall be there!!! Dinosaur show brings reptiles to life - Yahoo! News