Wednesday, April 19, 2006

so NOW what?

I thought I had a job. I may still have a job...but at the moment I don't have a job. Confused?

Last month I had an interview. It seemed to go exceedingly well, and I learned that I was the only candidate that Potential Boss Lady was bothering to interview before leaving the country on a long vacation. I worked 4 days for her while she was away. During that time I was either brave or foolish and asked the office manager (who has been w/PBL for a loooong time); she had the same impression as I, that PBL would be calling me with a job offer upon her return. Yay, I thought.

PBL's first day back at her clinic was 2 days ago. I had realized on Easter that it was very unlikely she would call me on Monday, since her desk was probably piled higher than she is tall with All The Stuff That Happened While PBL Was Away. (An impressive pile indeed, especially after the Anesthesia Double-Whammy Disaster that happened on my last day. Thank heavens the kitty apparently is making a full recovery.)

By Tuesday evening, however, I couldn't take the suspense anymore.

I called.

I asked if she had made her decision.

No, she hadn't.


My brain did the mental equivalent of looking at The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and reading the words in big, pink letters: DON'T PANIC. Before I could get out any intelligible sounds, however, she had more to say. First, I received favorable reviews from her staff. (We all got along really well.) Second, she wanted to see how the two of us worked together. So I am working Tuesdays (w/PBL) & Wednesdays (solo) for the entire month of May.

Which (in hindsight) makes perfect sense: Gee, think it might be a good idea to see if you & the PBL can even stand each other? Hmph. Yeah.

So this will provide enough income to take care of the month of May. Unfortunately I was counting on considerably more to take care of what's left of April!

Time to get a little creative and see where the axe can fall.

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