Saturday, April 15, 2006

My Meme, My Own

You know the drill, children...get to it!!

1. Comfort food: Ritz crackers

2. Comfort music: Vince Guaraldi's Charlie Brown TV music

3. I would happily listen to _______ read the phone book:
Dennis Haysbert

4. I won't answer the phone during these TV shows: 24, Lost, Battlestar
Galactica, Veronica Mars

5. PMS survival tool(s): chocolate

6. Food I prefer not to eat: olives, cilantro, green peppers

7. Food I refuse to eat: liver (especially chicken), anything involving neural tissue (prions begone!)

8. Food I can't get enough of that others won't eat: mushrooms

9. Dream car: VW New Beetle with Subaru AWD & a Toyota hybrid engine

10. Dream vacation: China, 2 weeks in the UK, RVing thru 49 states plus Canadian provinces (once they develop a solar-powered/hybrid RV).

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