Saturday, April 22, 2006

of peeps & yardwork

Sunshine! Oh 'tis glorious indeed. (Overly dramatic? Dude, I live in western Washington...any weather here that doesn't involve gray is equivalent to a national holiday.)

It's sunny, it's warm, and the back yard awaits my attention. The grass is gunning for 12 inches, the dandelions are forming conga lines, the doggie doolies are hungry, and the survivors of the Pansy Debacle await transfer to a puppy-safe habitat.

This will be good for me. Not just the sunshine, which for a person with dysthymia is like a big hit of cocaine jolt of caffeine...but the activity as well. Physical activity in terms of exercise. Physical activity in terms of distraction.

Since finding out The Potential Job is not (yet?) mine, I have had to scramble. I sat down & created a cash flow spreadsheet. I cancelled call-waiting, cancelled ProActiv (hey was thinking about that anyway because the stuff at Costco is SO much cheaper), put Netflix on hold, and (gasp) pared down to the most basic of cable (no SciFi! no Jon Stewart! oh the horror!!) (seriously, the horror!!!). I also took all automated payments off my credit card and have whittled groceries down to only the Must Haves (i.e., cat litter & caffeine). Good thing I'm a child of children of the Great Depression & a Costco pantry is already stocked so I won't starve anytime soon. Gulp.

And oh yeah I haven't been to my therapist in almost a month. And unless she's willing to take $10 down payments, there won't be appointments anytime soon.

I'm not panicking. I've had a low-grade headache all week, but I'm not panicking. Nor am I complaining (no, really!) as much as I am just sharing/expressing. I told the job hunting lady to pursue 2-3 of the postings she sent me. Next week I'll go over the classifieds in the state vet newsletter again. I also have a classmate who said he's always looking for relief doctors. Something will work out.

Speaking of sharing....a disclosure of sorts. I finally, for the first time in my life, ate peeps. Shocking, I know. But it's true. They're all gone now, but perhaps the temporary sugar high will help with the yard work. Darn, if only I had thought ahead, they could have made interesting lawn decorations.

1 comment:

Geek Girl Beck said...

for someone who is *very* much a texture person when it comes to food, i avoid peeps like the plague. but sugar-high inducing they are, just try to remember to take some aspirin before you crash. ;)