Saturday, March 25, 2006

The House of Vice Viruses

I can't do anything. Well that's not true...I can take a 2-4 hour nap at the drop of a hat. But that's about it. Did you know you can have the flu and not have congestion, sneezing, or a sore throat? It's true . Now we're not talking about the grossly inaccurate moniker of "stomach flu" here (that's usually food poisoning, unless your name is Mel ). Flu refers to influenza, caused by a multi-membered group of respiratory viruses. The "base camp" of all influenza viruses (viri?) is waterfowl. (So the next time you see Donald Duck at may wish to have a word.) From here they mutate (& sometimes successfully) transfer to other species. Humans are quite good at finding these mutations (Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918, anyone?). Horses got their version started in the 1960s. The dog version is now making it's way across the U.S. The current scare of "bird flu" has been picked up by cats & humans (but so far ONLY from direct contact w/an infected bird). These are viruses that know how to travel!

But for me, we're just talking plain ol' flu. At least I think this is the flu. Curiously I have yet to have a "real" fever, although my melting body last night wanted to argue with the thermometer. I actually woke up this morning without the persistent, laugh-in-the-face-of-excedrin least for a little bit. But...I dread what should come next: The Cough. I cannot afford The Cough, not now. The end of this week I have my first of 4 days of relief work at The Potential Job. I...must...not...cough. My sole hope is that this is some other cockamamie virus of temporary duration and there will be no cough. Yes, that's it. That must be it.

I did say the house of viruses, did I not? Between myself and the antics of The Herd of Ravenous Monster Puppies (THORMP), heaven forbid that the cats be outdone. Ever since MaoMao staged the Great Escape last year, all the cats have been playing hot potato with a respiratory virus of their own. (Before I got sick, I considered naming this entry The House of Herpes...but that would imply something a wee bit different than intended.) Probably 80% of the feline population has been exposed to herpes (one of several "kitty colds" than kittens often have) & many of these cats become long-term carriers. Just like in humans, the herpes virus tends to pop back up during times of stress to wreak havoc once again. And trust me, THORMP provides plenty o' stress to The Orderly World of Cats.

So po' Benjamin has what's called dendritic keratitis; stereotypical lesions on his corneas caused by herpes, sort of like little ulcers. Treatable (no disintegrating eyeballs in this household, thank you) but for a cat that already objects to his daily pills, eyedrops 4 times per day are just such a bonus. This also means that at least B & MM will have to take lysine twice daily for the forseeable future; after all, herpes is The House Guest That Never Leaves.

Let's just hope it & influenza never hook up.


Geek Girl Beck said...

Po' Benjamin. =(

And, I truly pray that you do not receive the Hideous Hacking Cough which has accompanied my flu. It has made my 14 straight days of work nearly intolerable.

Melodee said...

Oh dear. My son still has his cough--over two weeks later. Some of us, though, only had runny noses, so maybe you'll be "lucky."

I hope you feel better soon.