Tuesday, March 28, 2006

As if it wasn't already obvious...

You are a

Social Liberal
(76% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(18% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The House of Vice Viruses

I can't do anything. Well that's not true...I can take a 2-4 hour nap at the drop of a hat. But that's about it. Did you know you can have the flu and not have congestion, sneezing, or a sore throat? It's true . Now we're not talking about the grossly inaccurate moniker of "stomach flu" here (that's usually food poisoning, unless your name is Mel ). Flu refers to influenza, caused by a multi-membered group of respiratory viruses. The "base camp" of all influenza viruses (viri?) is waterfowl. (So the next time you see Donald Duck at Disneyland...you may wish to have a word.) From here they mutate (& sometimes successfully) transfer to other species. Humans are quite good at finding these mutations (Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918, anyone?). Horses got their version started in the 1960s. The dog version is now making it's way across the U.S. The current scare of "bird flu" has been picked up by cats & humans (but so far ONLY from direct contact w/an infected bird). These are viruses that know how to travel!

But for me, we're just talking plain ol' flu. At least I think this is the flu. Curiously I have yet to have a "real" fever, although my melting body last night wanted to argue with the thermometer. I actually woke up this morning without the persistent, laugh-in-the-face-of-excedrin headache...at least for a little bit. But...I dread what should come next: The Cough. I cannot afford The Cough, not now. The end of this week I have my first of 4 days of relief work at The Potential Job. I...must...not...cough. My sole hope is that this is some other cockamamie virus of temporary duration and there will be no cough. Yes, that's it. That must be it.

I did say the house of viruses, did I not? Between myself and the antics of The Herd of Ravenous Monster Puppies (THORMP), heaven forbid that the cats be outdone. Ever since MaoMao staged the Great Escape last year, all the cats have been playing hot potato with a respiratory virus of their own. (Before I got sick, I considered naming this entry The House of Herpes...but that would imply something a wee bit different than intended.) Probably 80% of the feline population has been exposed to herpes (one of several "kitty colds" than kittens often have) & many of these cats become long-term carriers. Just like in humans, the herpes virus tends to pop back up during times of stress to wreak havoc once again. And trust me, THORMP provides plenty o' stress to The Orderly World of Cats.

So po' Benjamin has what's called dendritic keratitis; stereotypical lesions on his corneas caused by herpes, sort of like little ulcers. Treatable (no disintegrating eyeballs in this household, thank you) but for a cat that already objects to his daily pills, eyedrops 4 times per day are just such a bonus. This also means that at least B & MM will have to take lysine twice daily for the forseeable future; after all, herpes is The House Guest That Never Leaves.

Let's just hope it & influenza never hook up.

Friday, March 24, 2006

muah hah hah hahhhh

You Are 10% Evil

You are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm.
Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

David Horsey

Mr. Horsey is a Pullitzer-winning editorial cartoonist in Seattle. I'm hoping this link will stay on this particular cartoon.... http://cartoonbox.slate.com/hottopic/?topicid=11&image=0

Monday, March 20, 2006

Goodbye Old Friend

It's taken me almost a week to write this post. Jackson was truly one of the most gentle souls I have ever met. He was my parents' dog for many years; he loved Dad and just plain ol' adored Mom. He was there for both of them when they each left this world, and so I was there for him. Despite the "herd" running around this place, it seems a little empty now... or maybe that's just my heart.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Between my aunt and my dog, I don't currently have time to author much of anything. So here, let this fine fellow distress the bejeebers out of you:

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Leave my aunt alone!

My poor Aunt June. Uncle Jack passed away in January (they had over 50 years of marriage). She helped him with his Parkinsons for ~20 years, so along w/the grief this was the time for her body to heal as well (caregiving can take a horrid toll on your physical reserves). But such was not to be.
  1. Seven weeks ago she was rushed to the ER for what turned out to be 6 pyloric & duodenal ulcers. She had lost so much blood that any longer and they might have lost her.
  2. Two weeks ago she caught that horrid gastrointestinal virus that's been going around. She was so dehydrated she was given intravenous fluids.
  3. Tuesday my cousin found her incoherent. She was rushed to the ER again and this time was diagnosed with The Pneumonia From Hell. The fever has finally broken, but yesterday her lungs weren't looking any better (x-rays) and she had developed a horribly rapid heartbeat.

The poor woman is literally sick & tired of being sick & tired! She is the only one left of my mom's siblings & in-laws. She is fighting (she & Mom were twins, so the stubborness factor is HUGE, lol). But now we have to wait to see if her body if up to the challenge as well.

I literally want to yell "leave my aunt alone!" at someone or something, but generally life is more complicated than that. For any of you that do that sort of thing, prayers &/or kind thoughts would be very much appreciated.

Editor's update: What is it about the power of a blog? Second time today that I learn something new as soon as I've finished posting. (Excuse me while I look around for Rod Serling.) Just talked to one of my cousins, and today the doctor said that she doesn't have pneumonia. Her lungs look bad because it's her asthma w/a very nasty flare-up. However, she does still have a horrible bacterial infection -- but it's in her bloodstream (septicemia). So she's going in this afternoon for a battery of tests to try to locate the original source. Keep those prayers comin'.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

concerned, I am

The pups are adorable. Individual personalities are starting to make their appearance. Jackson & Peter are no longer telling them to back off with every other breath.

Yet I still have all four remaining puppies. Since I e-mailed the application forms, I haven't heard anything back from the families. For over a week now. Even emailed the best candidates again this week...nothing.

I mean, I planned to keep whoever (if anybody) was left. But FOUR PUPPIES? and their MOM? Aye carumba. This is so totally not the Correct Order of the World...you can't have more dogs than cats. Trying to train four crazy bundles of joy at the same time? Ack, give me four kittens anyday! (Er, not now, please. Oh lordy no.)

Mind you, I'm not panicking. Merely expressing. I've started teaching them their names just because it seems rather undignified to only answer to "poopy poopy". Maybe it's just me.

Addendum: Aw dammit, gumby. Just got a reply from TwoSpot's new owners...they are bowing out. Things are about to get interesting.

Friday, March 03, 2006

my eyes hurt

I don't know what it is about cats & computers, but they have some sort of strange cosmic connection. I have Yoda who offers the obligatory bats at the screen saver, five of the cats who type all sorts of things into my IMs (much to the recipients' confusion), & Wilbur Jeeves who can merely walk by the back of the CPU and the whole thing resets (strong in the Force, that one).

But leave it to Mao Mao to offer up a new one. Today, in his Infinite Kitty Wisdom, he decided to sit/lean on the left edge of the keyboard. Thinking nothing of it (stupid, stupid human) I continued to read Mel's blog. Suddenly the blog morphed from something amusing into a huge freaking BILLBOARD. I checked Tory's ...same thing. I checked my home page...nothing of the sort. But alas, as soon as I go to my blog, IT'S A BILLBOARD.

So do me a favor. The next time you see your cat(s), please grovel appropriately and ask them if they might deign to offer a solution. Seriously, I'm getting a headache from the eyeball pain.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

dealing with them thar christians

Melodee & I were high school classmates; she was one of the smart & witty ones. Since our 20th reunion we have endeavored to keep in touch, and I daresay we were both surprised (well I was) to discover we were different colors, e.g. one red & one blue. (Now before you jump on me about generalizations, for two such complex people it would be far more accurate to say she is a strong violet & I am a deep purple. So hush.) Check out her latest entry here.

for all you rat lovers out there

You can read about Quinn's travails with her new charge here .