Monday, December 19, 2005

the sum of the meme is greater than its parts

Just like the beloved (or dreaded depending on your point of view) email quiz (y'know, vanilla vs chocolate etc.)....I present a MEME! (Blame Mel. It's her fault.)

SEVEN SEVENS (you'll get the idea)

(Seven) Regrets, I've had a few....
  1. Not putting my first kitty to sleep (he had end-stage feline leukemia virus) when I had the chance, so he died alone in the kitchen on a Sunday while I cried in another room.
  2. Not staying in contact with my piano teacher when I went off to college; she died just a few years later.
  3. I regret that I have but one life to....oh wait. That one's taken.
  4. Telling my mom I was thinking about joining an "adult children" group before I really knew what they were about; if I had known, I would have been more vague so it didn't hurt her feelings.
  5. Not taking just those 2 extra religion classes in undergrad which would have given me a second minor.
  6. Not staying on top of my piano skills. (But honestly, when would I have practiced??)
  7. Not going to bat for a manufacturer rep (who had done nothing wrong) when the evil empire was gunning for her; she asked me to call & I didn't. She may have been demoted, I don't know.

Seven things to do before I die:

  1. Go back & tour the U.K. properly.
  2. Have a family of my own (one where I'm not the only human!).
  3. Be successful (and happy) in my career.
  4. Make the world a better place. (What, too underachieving?)
  5. Play the violin.
  6. Visit every significant dinosaur museum in the world at least once.
  7. Get Yang happily swimming in his new tank.

Seven things I cannot do:

  1. Touch my nose w/the tip of my tongue.
  2. Dance (nor do I ever, EVER want to).
  3. Ever be without my good friends celexa & welbutrin (or their cousins).
  4. Not snore when I sleep (unless I am using my c-pap machine which is pretty much a prerequisite for me to be anything near awake during the day).
  5. Eat chicken livers.
  6. Enjoy music that involves screaming in place of lyrics.
  7. Be a spider doctor.

Seven things I say most often:

  1. Dammit gumby!
  2. Children, please! (usually directed at kitty squabbles whilst fixing their dinners)
  3. If you would be so kind.... (My employees asked me to quit saying that because it meant I was going to ask them to do something unpleasant.)
  4. Shit.
  5. Dude! (it's all about Hurley)
  6. I'm workin' on it! (toward above-mentioned kitties when their food is not arriving in timely fashion)
  7. HEY! (breaking up critter malfeasance of any sort) (Do we sense a pattern here?)

Seven Pet Peeves (oh I know you have them too):

  1. You are not going to the gas station (or other location) AND get gas (or other activity). You are going to the gas station TO get gas.
  2. There is no such thing as a golden lab. It's either a lab that's yellow or a retriever that's golden.
  3. There is no "c" in shrapnel & I feel there should be. This is a rather personal peeve, as that damnable "c" was my spelling bee demise.
  4. The assumption that science and religion must be polar opposites and cannot coexist. In a nutshell: science = how, religion = why. Get over it.
  5. Drivers who pull in front of me and then slow down.
  6. Apathy of U.S. voters.
  7. Fundamentalists/zealots of any stripe.

Seven Things I Would Rather Not Do Without:

  1. Critters.
  2. Beethoven.
  3. A sustainable planet.
  4. J.S. Bach.
  5. Birkenstocks.
  6. Corrected vision.
  7. Chocolate.

Seven Important Cultural Influences In My Life (of varying Importance, as you will see):

  1. Star Wars ('nuff said)
  2. My undergrad religion classes at PLU (hence the devout liberal you see today). (And no that is NOT an oxymoron!!)
  3. Peanuts
  4. Bloom County
  5. Calvin & Hobbes
  6. C.S. Lewis
  7. The Muppets


Geek Girl Beck said...

Except for the religion classes at PLU, our influences are suspiciously similar... Are you SURE your not my stalker?

Deb Heller said...

Is Yang a Tang?

Love your site. And the pic of your kitty as your Avatar... I hear you hate Bush and wear Birks - are you my long lost twin? :-) (Don't answer that. Maybe it's better I don't know!)

Oh, and I'm with you on #5 of your pet peeves. Ooooh, burns my bunnies.

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I too went to a small Lutheran College, Known as Waterloo Lutheran University back them. It was a place to grow. I found it conservative and survived as a progressive, humanist socialist in spite of it. I did some big schools, too.