Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Some of you may not have heard of Congressman Jack Murtha before the hullabaloo caused by his Iraq proposal last month. My first knowledge of him came early in the Iraq War when he called for the reinstatement of the draft. (ACK!) A 35-year, battle-decorated Marine, this man is a warhawk -- in that sense he reminds me of the late, great Senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson (from my humble home state, tyvm). He cares greatly about the men & women in our armed forces & is a major proponent for them. He is respected & trusted by the U.S. military & is often their go-to congressman. So, when Jack Murtha says it's time to get out of dodge, it is critical to realize he is not some namby-pamby, cut & run, wimpy fat-cat chicken. (Sorry for the painful metaphor...a fat cat w/feathers??)

I am one of the growing numbers of Americans that believe we need to extricate ourselves out of this "Mess O' Potamia" (kudos Jon Stewart). (Hell, I'm part of the minority that never believed the Bushies in the first place.) Even I have my concerns about pulling out everything...but Congressman Murtha makes some very compelling points. It is time to listen.

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