Sunday, January 22, 2006


Sorry I have been so remiss in posting the past few weeks (especially after the lovely free publicity from Mel). But I have a good reason. A noble very good reason. You see, in my infinite wisdom (or not), I took in a foster dog. A very, VERY pregnant foster dog. So as of today in addition to my regular crew (2 dogs, 6 cats, & 424 gallons worth of tropical fish) (don't try this at home, I'm a licensed professional. really.), I have a mama dog & 7 14-day old puppies. Oh what was I thinking joy!

This experience has had its fair share of travails. The night after the pups were born, my youngest calico wandered too close & Doggy Jeckel turned into Psycho Mama Hyde. Fortunately for all, no ER trip was required, although I did put my poor suffering kitty through the indignity of xrays the next day. (Again, people -- I am a D.V.M -- if this ever happens to you, get your pet the hell into the ER right away.) Mama Dog has pretty much returned to normal re: kitties (as long as the pups aren't involved); however, the other day she was just being an overall pill, not just w/kitties but in terms of housetraining, bossing the other dogs, etc. That is, she was until Nutter Butter came along. Mama Dog was idiotic naive enough to chase Nutter Butter (my cat of 14.5 years of calico 'tude equipped w/extra toes & dagger claws to match). Let's just say Mama found herself cornered, desperate to escape, & with a claw firmly imbedded in her muzzle. She has been oh so good since then. Not to mention that night I had a very-pleased-with-herself cat.

Alas, it appears tonight that I am losing one of the pups (little white face girl, the hereford). I realize that is often the way of things, but it still bites. One reason, I suppose, I took on this dog was to have some lives begin in this house (for a change), so likely having to let one go is not an easy thing. Sigh. At least I have the sense that my mom is waiting to take the little one in, if that must come to pass. [Ed. note -- I just took a break to try feeding her again. Unlike for the past day or two, she actually protested. The subcutaneous fluids I administered earlier seem to have helped. We shall see.]

So. Who needs a new dog or two?


Melodee said...

There is a little (insane) part of me that says, "Oh, puppies!" And then the sane part of me slaps that part silly.

Good luck. I hope the little girl pulls through.

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I will swap you a couple of pregnant female cats for a puppy!

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

Another thought!!! You need to adopt a virtual pet or two!

Have fun with these.

Auntie Sassy said...

As much as I would love a puppy, I think I would go insane taking care of an entire houseful of animals..oh, and the cats and a new puppy as well.