Sunday, May 07, 2006

working girl

Need I even say not that kind? Yeah didn't think so.

The Job Hunt may very well be over. Since The First Potential Job (FPJ) work interview was/is dragging out over a month, I decided to cover my bases & look elsewhere. I followed up with a veterinary-specific job hunting company and subsequently had an interview last week with a 6-doctor day (& night ER) hospital. I was offered the job before the end of the interview. (I am vet, hear me roar!)

Tomorrow is my working interview...I have a sneaking suspicion I'll tell them "yes" before the day is done. The FPJ has a lot of pluses: smaller clinic, location where the vast majority of clients can easily afford treatment for their pets, good workers, etc. Unfortunately, though, the FPJ has insufficient monitoring equipment, no I.V. fluid pumps, no dental drills, etc. The S(econd)PJ has all of these things, plus an ultrasound machine and a board-certified internist who uses their clinic as home base. Their doctors can have whatever drugs or surgical supplies they want (okay within reason, no multi-thousand dollar surgical lasers or stuff like that), PLUS they can almost certainly pay me what I'm worth; I doubt FPJ can match any of that.

Sorry this is a bit of a dry post. But hey I worked an extra day last week so my creative juices are a bit dry.


Geek Girl Beck said...

Hurray! Go YOU!! And btw, the Hubby may be interested in a receptionist job... He's currently mulling it over and may need more details. =D

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I am so pleased for you having interesting job prospects. You seemed worried and a litte depressed a short time back.

I consulted our local vet concerning my New Zealand Giant Buck rabbit having Wry neck (Torticollis).
$150 to treat it is too much for me so I think we will eat him instead. I had high hopes for him to father a generation of my rabbits but . . .alas! No place for sentimentality down on the farm.

Good luck with your job!!!!