Wednesday, May 31, 2006

It's Ali-i-i-i-ive!!!

Really. I promise I'm really here.

It's just the last couple weeks have been hella-crazy in terms of my work schedule. (Yes! I have a work schedule! Sweet!) I've been filling in at both places and have had like 1 day off at a time. Hey the money's good so I ain't complainin'.

Oh yeah and I had a crisis with my 15-year-old kitty Nutter Butter... she's fine now, but it took me a lot longer to recover. (Picture me holding my beloved cranky gramma kitty, crying into her fur "don't leave me, don't leave me". Yeah, lots of fun. Her? She was merely annoyed at getting wet, lol.)

So I'll post again the next time I come up for air. :D


Geek Girl Beck said...

Hurray for updated blogs!! But I must mock you just a little for using the word "hella". How old are the new people you work with? 12? 14? When did you start using such gawd-awful annoying slang???!!!

Deb Heller said...

Did it Diiiiiiie?!??!?