Monday, June 04, 2007

Fareed Zakaria rocks

Really, I should have posted this one first. So for all you non-Star Wars geeks out there, here is the more well-rounded (and still somehow optimistic) take on our current plight: Zakaria: How to Restore America's Place in the World - Newsweek: World News -

1 comment:

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I wouldn't hold out hope for the Democrats to restore America's good name and image. From what the pretenders for the throne are saying I don't expect they will oversee the complete withdrawl of US from Iraq. They certainly are not calling for the stopping of building permanent military basis there. Then there is the reduction of the over 700 military bases around the World. International meddling is a Democratic policy from a way back.

None of the candidates for the Democratic leadership is offering to undo all of George Bush's damage to "rights" in US. None offers a consistent progressive program as a vision for the future.

Realpolik in the US is having to deal with the Military Industrial Complex and corruption in politics.

Real change requires a new vision for America. i wish I was more hopeful for the Great Republic.