Thursday, September 07, 2006


So I am finally on my "permanent" work schedule (now that one doctor is back from her maternity leave), and I think I will like it very much. I work Sunday & Monday nights (6p - 9a) & Friday day (8a-6p). Although Tuesday day is pretty much spent sleeping, it still gives me 3 days off in a row. Plus Saturday.

Now if life would only cooperate with my new schedule. The good news is that B is now back to a normal appetite (keep those drugs a comin') & no longer hiding. But of course I still spent Tues & Wed stressing about it & so didn't accomplish a whole bunch other than a couple loads of laundry. (In my defense, he didn't get back to normal until last night, at which point I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I would have hugged him, but of course B doesn't do hugs.)

So today (Thursday) was supposed to be Run All the Errands Day. Did I mention I actually went an entire 36 hours or so without needing any pain pills for my back? I had nary a twitch, it was wonderful. Not that I was going to make the garbage dump run or any other heavy duty project, I knew better than to trust my back that far. But I'm out of bagels(!), which of course requires immediate correction; a Costco expedition was primed and ready to go. Or so I thought.

The door bell rang late this morning, and I went to get up to answer it. But I did not get up. I could not get up. Each time I tried, my back (figuratively) hollered so loudly that I (literally) could not stand. Sonofabitch! (So my apologies to whoever rang my door bell, I did not mean to be rude.) A few minutes later I did manage to sort of rise & get to the bathroom & the Vicodin, then straight back to bed. So no Costco trip today; not only would I be unable to haul a 36-pack of pop, but I doubt I could even comfortably drive 3 blocks.

So no bagels. No returning the catalog order to JCPenney. No mowing the front yard (yeah like I'm shedding tears on that one). Yes it's inconvenient, but looking on the bright side: it's not a drastic crisis such as occupied so much of the past 3 years, it's manageable with drugs, the critters are happy with mom home for 3 straight days, and there is that mild Vicodin buzz. Now as long as I can make the drive to work tomorrow, the rest will be easy. Gulp.

1 comment:

Geek Girl Beck said...

coming to steak night, soon? are we?